
How to Disable Hardware Acceleration in Visual Studio Code

For some reason you may need to disable Visual Studio Code’s hardware acceleration. For example in Ubuntu it’s slow. !Backup! Before you do anything backup the settings. CTRL+SHIFT+P and type runtime you should see this kind of option. https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_40 … or you can edit $HOME/.vscode/argv.json file. (Linux) that line is commented. When I uncommented it […]

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WP-CLI ASCII Output Example

How to Preserve WP-CLI Table Formatting When Redirecting Output

WP-CLI is a powerful command-line tool for managing your WordPress sites. It provides various commands to interact with WordPress, similar to how MySQL CLI allows you to manage MySQL databases. One of the useful features of WP-CLI is its ability to display results in a neatly formatted ASCII table, making it easy to read and

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How to Fix docker.errors.DockerException: Error while fetching server API version: HTTPConnection.request() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘chunked’

You will most likely see this error even on a fresh Ubuntu installation. It’s really strange how nobody caught that. Yes, it’s frustrating, I know especially if you’re very busy. it is possible to that this error is related to some python modules/libraries  requests<2.29.0′ and ‘urllib3<2.0 according to the ticket below. They suggest downgrading but

How to Fix docker.errors.DockerException: Error while fetching server API version: HTTPConnection.request() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘chunked’ Read More »

PHP Warning: file_get_contents failed to open stream: Connection refused in script.php

You can create a temp file in your document root folder and after the tests you will need to delete it so you don’t expose extra sever info to always curious spammers/hackers. if you get this php error you may need to check your php.ini settings to ensure that the allow_url_fopen ini setting in the

PHP Warning: file_get_contents failed to open stream: Connection refused in script.php Read More »

Xdebug Var Dump Settings

How to Prevent xDebug from Truncating var_dump() Output

xdebug is an awesome debugging extension and it has saved me so much time when developing and also when troubleshooting php scripts and WordPress plugins. When you’re working with xdebug in your PHP development environment and using functions like var_dump() to output some debugging data (logging is better but sometimes you have to do it),

How to Prevent xDebug from Truncating var_dump() Output Read More »