WPress Converter

Migration: the tool is offline at the moment until we complete the migration to a new server

Free online .wpress converter to convert your All in One Migration package file into a .zip file.

Select a .wpress file and it will be converted to a .zip

Note: If you’re doing a manual import (via ssh or wp-cli) you’ll need to install WordPress first. See the information about the contents in the .wpress file below.

What is .wpress file extension?

.wpress is a file format used by the All-In-One-Migration WordPress Plugin by ServeMask.
You can’t open it directly with 7zip, rar or zip archives because it’s a custom file format.

It contains the WordPress site’s database and files archived (but without WordPress itself)

How to extract a large .wpress file?

Our service allows uploads up to a certain size. If you have a large file e.g. starting from 2GB – 100GB or above) you can contact us and we’ll extract the contents of that file and send you the files.
The service costs: $75 USD or EUR (if you’re in Europe) per file.

Just contact us and share a dropbox link to the file.

What to do with .wpress file?

.wpress is essentially the WordPress site exported so in order to use it you can this this tool to convert the file to zip format but you’ll have to do a manual WordPress import using WP-CLI or manually creating the database fixing links.

Another option to use this file is to install a fresh WordPress and All-In-One-Migration plugin. Then import that file and the newly set up WordPress site will be replaced with the site that was packaged into the wpress file.
The import has to happen from within All-In-One-Migration import screen and not Tools > Import because it’s not an in the WordPress XML/RSS format. You will most likely get an error: Make sure you are using a valid WordPress export file in XML or Zip format

Again make sure you upload (import) the .wpress file into a fresh WordPress installation because it WILL override the site.

How to Export WordPress into .wpress File

  • Install and activate All in One Migration WordPress plugin
  • Go to All in One WP Migration -> Export

What does .wpress file contain?

It seems All in One Migration plugin packages only the wp-content folder to save space.

In the root folder there are

  • database.sql -> this the database file exported in SQL format BUT instead of the actual site prefix it has SERVMASK_PREFIX_ prefix. Therefore you need to replace that with whatever you like if you’re doing a manual import via wp-cli
  • package.json – This file contains lots of site info and a base64 serialized version of the .htaccess file. Quite clever actually.
  • You need to check the WordPress version from the package.json to install that specific version.

How to Import .wpress file into WordPress

  • Set up a new WordPress site (it will be overridden!)
  • Install and Activate All in One Migration WordPress plugin
  • Go to All in One WP Migration -> Import
  • Pick File and upload the file.
  • Do make sure php/web server upload limits are higher than the file you’re trying to import.
  • Keep the upload window until you see the confirmation

How to Open and Extract a .wpress file?

Because it’s a custom archive file format it cannot be open with regular compression tools such as 7zip, rar, zip, tar, gunzip. Fortunately the ServerMask team has provided a golang source code that can open the file https://github.com/yani-/wpress which Orbisius team has used to create a free tool.

If you need to extract the contents of .wpress on Windows/Linux/Mac you can use orbisius_wpress program to do that.

Downloads (64bit)

for Linux/Mac you will need to set executable file permissions by running this command.

chmod 0755 orbisius_wpress


orbisius_wpress x archive_file.wpress target_dir


  • x – means extract
  • 1st paramer is the source file
  • 2nd parameter is the target directory where the files will be extracted to

Related keywords/searches

  • .wpress archive extractor
  • How to unpack .wpress archive